The ORS represents the public interest regarding the regulation of motor carriers of passengers (taxis, charter buses, limousines, non-emergency medical transportation, and Transportation Network Carriers), household goods, and hazardous waste for disposal in South Carolina. In addition to monitoring these carriers’ insurance, the ORS has regulatory oversight for their rates, charges, and practices.
Active Vehicle Report (XLSX) - Updated 3/25/2025
Vehicle Registration Form (PDF)
Vehicle Transfer Request (PDF)
All Class E and Class C Applications for Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity are available on the South Carolina Public Service Commission’s Website.
WEBINAR: Transportation Updates
The ORS held a webinar to discuss how Transportation Network, Passenger, and Household Goods (HHG) Carriers are regulated in South Carolina and how this affects local governments.
Forum Recordings
Forum Presentation Materials
- Passenger Carrier Forum 2022 (PDF)
- HHG Forum 2022 (PDF)
Motor Vehicle Carrier Regulations (PDF)
Inspector Complaint Form (PDF)