The South Carolina Broadband Office (SCBBO), within the Office of Regulatory Staff (ORS), is responsible for the administration of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) grant program.
The overarching goal of the BEAD program is to enable Internet for All. As part of this initiative, the SCBBO will continue to seek out opportunities to fund deployment projects throughout the State using any remaining funds available under alternate funding sources (e.g. ARPA SLFRF, ARPA CPF, State Funds, etc.). Therefore, the SCBBO reserves the right to remove broadband serviceable locations (BSLs) from the eligibility data and associated web applications based on enforceable commitments made under these additional funding sources.
The SCBBO will publish regular updates of the eligibility data, Guidance document, and FAQ’s. These updates will be announced through the grant notification list.
Note, it is the SC BEAD Applicant’s responsibility to ensure they are using the most up to date version of SC BEAD eligibility data when submitting information during the Main Application phase of the SC BEAD program. Applicants are encouraged to check this webpage periodically for the latest information and updates.
SC BEAD documentation is available for review and download by clicking on the accordions below. Questions regarding the SC BEAD grant program should be submitted to the SCBBO via the FAQ Form. Answers to questions will be posted in the "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)" accordion below.
Pre-Qualification Phase
Please note: The SC BEAD Pre-Qual phase is strictly for Broadband Deployment projects only (not related to Non-Deployment activities). The NTIA requires States to certify all homes, businesses, and CAIs under enforceable commitments before non-deployment activities begin. Non-Deployment activities and guidance will follow at a later time.
Main Application Phase
- Coming Soon
Below is the SC BEAD eligibility data, downloadable maps, and a web application, all of which provide essential information for helping applicants determine where to apply for a SC BEAD grant. Additionally, applicants who have submitted a copy of their CostQuest license and registered for access to the ORS Citrix ShareFile platform can download GIS Shapefiles, including eligible ZCTA polygons and SC BEAD-eligible location point data. To sign up for Citrix ShareFile access, please use the following link:
The SCBBO will publish regular updates of the eligibility data on the web application and through the ORS Citrix ShareFile platform to keep applicants informed about the status of SC BEAD-eligible locations. The SCBBO will use the grant notification list to serve as a mechanism to announce when an update has been published.
Post-Challenge Maps
BEAD Eligible Location Map (PDF)
SC BEAD Eligibility Web Application
Online Viewer - This web mapping application was developed by the Office of Regulatory Staff (ORS) South Carolina Broadband Office (SCBBO) and is intended to assist interested parties in understanding the eligibility of locations for Broadband deployment funding through the SC BEAD grant program.
NTIA Approved Post-Challenge Data
NTIA Approved Post-Challenge Locations.csv - This is a list of all BSLs approved by the NTIA for the BEAD program. This list includes all served BSLs, served CAIs, unserved BSLs, underserved BSLs, and unserved/underserved CAIs. This data uses version 3.2 of the Federal Communication Commission's Broadband Availability Map Fabric. This file serves as the approved SC BEAD challenge result and will not be updated to reflect eligibility changes. Changes to eligibility data will occur through the ORS Citrix ShareFile platform for all prospective applicants who have signed up for access using this form and who have submitted a copy of their NTIA CostQuest License.
*Please note: CSV files may have record counts exceeding the viewable limits in Microsoft Excel and/or other applications.
SC BEAD Community Anchor Institutions
SC BEAD CAIS.csv - This is a list of CAIs identified throughout South Carolina. This list is all-inclusive and not subset by eligibility status.
Volumes 1 and Volume 2 of initial proposal focus on detailing the SCBBO’s comprehensive approach toward administering South Carolina’s BEAD Grant Program and have been approved by NTIA. Copies of the documents can be found in the sections below. Requirements pertaining to the BEAD program are outlined in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
Approved Initial Proposal Volume 1 (PDF)
Approved Initial Proposal Volume 2 (9/19/24) (PDF)
SC BEAD FAQs (PDF) - 1/8/2025